
Surnames Starting with LAME

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with LAME. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaLAMECHView Records
South AfricaLAMECKView Records
South AfricaLAMENAView Records
South AfricaLAMENTEView Records
South AfricaLAMERAView Records
South AfricaLAMERDView Records
South AfricaLAMERICAView Records
South AfricaLAMERSView Records
South AfricaLAMERTView Records
South AfricaLAMERTSView Records
South AfricaLAMETIView Records
South AfricaLAMETYIView Records
South AfricaLAMEYView Records
South AfricaLAMEYERView Records