
Surnames Starting with LITT

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with LITT. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaLITTELLView Records
South AfricaLITTENView Records
South AfricaLITTERICKView Records
South AfricaLITTLEView Records
South AfricaLITTLE JOHNView Records
South AfricaLITTLE-JOHNView Records
South AfricaLITTLECHILDView Records
South AfricaLITTLEFAIRView Records
South AfricaLITTLEFIELDView Records
South AfricaLITTLEFORDView Records
South AfricaLITTLEJOHNView Records
South AfricaLITTLEJOHNSView Records
South AfricaLITTLERView Records
South AfricaLITTLER-POWELLView Records
South AfricaLITTLETONView Records
South AfricaLITTLEWOODView Records
South AfricaLITTLEWORTView Records
South AfricaLITTMANView Records
South AfricaLITTMANNView Records
South AfricaLITTONView Records
South AfricaLITTRELLView Records