
Surnames Starting with PLES

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with PLES. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaPLESCIAView Records
South AfricaPLESIView Records
South AfricaPLESIEView Records
South AfricaPLESISView Records
South AfricaPLESKUSView Records
South AfricaPLESSView Records
South AfricaPLESSASView Records
South AfricaPLESSENView Records
South AfricaPLESSIView Records
South AfricaPLESSIEView Records
South AfricaPLESSISView Records
South AfricaPLESSNERView Records
South AfricaPLESTED-SMITHView Records
South AfricaPLESTERSView Records
South AfricaPLESTINView Records