
Surnames Starting with REGA

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with REGA. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaREGAView Records
South AfricaREGABATEView Records
South AfricaREGADZAView Records
South AfricaREGAGAView Records
South AfricaREGALView Records
South AfricaREGALAView Records
South AfricaREGALDOView Records
South AfricaREGANView Records
South AfricaREGANIEView Records
South AfricaREGANSView Records
South AfricaREGARDTView Records
South AfricaREGARNIEView Records
South AfricaREGASTOView Records
South AfricaREGAZZIView Records
South AfricaREGAZZONIView Records