
Surnames Starting with SPEN

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with SPEN. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaSPENCEView Records
South AfricaSPENCE-ROSSView Records
South AfricaSPENCE-WILSONView Records
South AfricaSPENCELEYView Records
South AfricaSPENCELEY-COLLINSView Records
South AfricaSPENCELYView Records
South AfricaSPENCERView Records
South AfricaSPENCER WHITTLEView Records
South AfricaSPENCER-CUMMINGSView Records
South AfricaSPENCER-SCARRView Records
South AfricaSPENCER-SMITHView Records
South AfricaSPENCER-YOUNGView Records
South AfricaSPENDELView Records
South AfricaSPENDELLView Records
South AfricaSPENDERView Records
South AfricaSPENDIERView Records
South AfricaSPENDIFFView Records
South AfricaSPENDLEYView Records
South AfricaSPENDOView Records
South AfricaSPENDUView Records
South AfricaSPENDUKAView Records
South AfricaSPENEELEYView Records
South AfricaSPENEKOPView Records
South AfricaSPENGView Records
South AfricaSPENGANAView Records
South AfricaSPENGANEView Records
South AfricaSPENGANOView Records
South AfricaSPENGLERView Records
South AfricaSPENNATOView Records
South AfricaSPENNESView Records
South AfricaSPENOKAView Records
South AfricaSPENSEView Records
South AfricaSPENSER HIGGSView Records
South AfricaSPENSER-HIGGSView Records
South AfricaSPENSILEView Records
South AfricaSPENUKAView Records
South AfricaSPENZANEView Records