
Death Records for People with the Surname COSIJN

Below you will find an index of death records for people with the surname COSIJN. Please click on 'View Record' next to the individual you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaJACQUES MAURITSCOSIJN19152007Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaMARIA ELIZABETHCOSIJNGERICKE19181983Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaANNA DORETHIACOSIJNVAN DEN HEEVER19192001Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaNEVILLE GORDONCOSIJN19452004Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaDEBORAH ANNECOSIJNVAN NUS19501990Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaGORDON ROELOFFCOSIJN19681991Verified DeathView Record