
Death Records for People with the Surname MERCER-TOD

Below you will find an index of death records for people with the surname MERCER-TOD. Please click on 'View Record' next to the individual you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaCAMPBELL ALEXANDER BERNARDMERCER-TOD19131998Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaROBERT FRANCIS ALBANMERCER-TOD00091977Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaCORA EILEEN STELLA PATRICAMERCER-TOD19061991Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaANNE JAMESMERCER-TODTIMMERMAN19101988Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaALICE GEORGINAMERCER-TODBROOKER19141997Verified DeathView Record