
Surnames Starting with DALE

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with DALE. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaDALEView Records
South AfricaDALE KUYSView Records
South AfricaDALE LACEView Records
South AfricaDALE-LACEView Records
South AfricaDALEADAView Records
South AfricaDALEBOUDTView Records
South AfricaDALEBOUTView Records
South AfricaDALEBROUXView Records
South AfricaDALECHANDView Records
South AfricaDALEENView Records
South AfricaDALEKENEView Records
South AfricaDALEMANView Records
South AfricaDALEMTSHAView Records
South AfricaDALENGView Records
South AfricaDALENIView Records
South AfricaDALENNAView Records
South AfricaDALERView Records
South AfricaDALESView Records
South AfricaDALESKIView Records
South AfricaDALEVANGUView Records
South AfricaDALEYView Records