
Surnames Starting with DORA

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with DORA. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaDORAView Records
South AfricaDORAANView Records
South AfricaDORAHView Records
South AfricaDORAISAMYView Records
South AfricaDORAIVELUView Records
South AfricaDORALINGOView Records
South AfricaDORAMAView Records
South AfricaDORANView Records
South AfricaDORANAView Records
South AfricaDORANEView Records
South AfricaDORASAMIView Records
South AfricaDORASAMYView Records
South AfricaDORASANYView Records
South AfricaDORASAWMYView Records
South AfricaDORASWAMIView Records
South AfricaDORATSAGAEView Records
South AfricaDORAUView Records
South AfricaDORAVALOOView Records