
Surnames Starting with JEFF

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with JEFF. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaJEFFView Records
South AfricaJEFFCOATView Records
South AfricaJEFFERIESView Records
South AfricaJEFFERISView Records
South AfricaJEFFERISSView Records
South AfricaJEFFERSView Records
South AfricaJEFFERSONView Records
South AfricaJEFFERYView Records
South AfricaJEFFERYSView Records
South AfricaJEFFKINSView Records
South AfricaJEFFRAYView Records
South AfricaJEFFREEView Records
South AfricaJEFFREYView Records
South AfricaJEFFREYSView Records
South AfricaJEFFRIESView Records
South AfricaJEFFRYESView Records
South AfricaJEFFSView Records