
Surnames Starting with MOER

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with MOER. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaMOERAView Records
South AfricaMOERAMEView Records
South AfricaMOERANAView Records
South AfricaMOERANEView Records
South AfricaMOERANGView Records
South AfricaMOERANIView Records
South AfricaMOERATView Records
South AfricaMOERDIJKView Records
South AfricaMOERDYKView Records
South AfricaMOEREView Records
South AfricaMOERENGView Records
South AfricaMOERETSIView Records
South AfricaMOERJAView Records
South AfricaMOERMANView Records
South AfricaMOEROAView Records
South AfricaMOEROEDOEView Records
South AfricaMOEROKINGView Records
South AfricaMOERONEView Records
South AfricaMOERTSIView Records
South AfricaMOERWALDView Records