
Surnames Starting with NIEW

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with NIEW. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaNIEWEGELDView Records
South AfricaNIEWEHUISView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHOUDTView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHOUTView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUISView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUISENView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUISSENView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUIZENView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUYSView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUYSENView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUYZENView Records
South AfricaNIEWENHUYZSView Records
South AfricaNIEWHOUDTView Records
South AfricaNIEWILDSView Records
South AfricaNIEWOUDTView Records
South AfricaNIEWVELDTView Records