
Surnames Starting with OMAR

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with OMAR. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaOMARView Records
South AfricaOMAR ALLIView Records
South AfricaOMAR DUTHView Records
South AfricaOMAR FView Records
South AfricaOMAR HASSANView Records
South AfricaOMAR HASSIMView Records
South AfricaOMAR ISMAILView Records
South AfricaOMAR MOOSAView Records
South AfricaOMAR SABDIAView Records
South AfricaOMAR WAJAView Records
South AfricaOMARALLIView Records
South AfricaOMARALLYView Records
South AfricaOMARAMView Records
South AfricaOMARDENView Records
South AfricaOMARDIENView Records
South AfricaOMARIView Records
South AfricaOMARJEEView Records
South AfricaOMARLOFFView Records
South AfricaOMARPERSADView Records
South AfricaOMARSAIBView Records
South AfricaOMARSHAHView Records
South AfricaOMARYAView Records