
Surnames Starting with SWIE

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with SWIE. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaSWIECHOWSKIView Records
South AfricaSWIEGELAARView Records
South AfricaSWIEGELINGView Records
South AfricaSWIEGELSView Records
South AfricaSWIEGERSView Records
South AfricaSWIEGGELAARView Records
South AfricaSWIEGLAARView Records
South AfricaSWIEGLANDView Records
South AfricaSWIEGLINGView Records
South AfricaSWIELView Records
South AfricaSWIERView Records
South AfricaSWIERSView Records
South AfricaSWIERSTRAView Records