
Surnames Starting with VERD

Below you will find a death surname index for all surnames starting with VERD. Please click on 'View Records' next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaVERDAL-AUSTINView Records
South AfricaVERDAMView Records
South AfricaVERDAPENView Records
South AfricaVERDAPPENView Records
South AfricaVERDARAJView Records
South AfricaVERDELLIView Records
South AfricaVERDENView Records
South AfricaVERDIENView Records
South AfricaVERDINEView Records
South AfricaVERDOESView Records
South AfricaVERDONView Records
South AfricaVERDONCKView Records
South AfricaVERDONESEView Records
South AfricaVERDONKView Records
South AfricaVERDOODTView Records
South AfricaVERDOORNView Records
South AfricaVERDOUCQView Records
South AfricaVERDOUKASView Records
South AfricaVERDOUWView Records
South AfricaVERDURMENView Records
South AfricaVERDUYNView Records