
Death Records for People with the Surname KIRTLEY

Below you will find an index of death records for people with the surname KIRTLEY. Please click on 'View Record' next to the individual you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaCOOPER HAMILTONKIRTLEY19061988Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaMILTON GAVINKIRTLEY19581999Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaHENRY JAMES EDWARDKIRTLEY19161978Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaMILDRED SWANSONKIRTLEYSPRENT19081995Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaCATHERINA ELIZABETHKIRTLEYVAN DER MERWE19231983Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaNEWTON HAMILTONKIRTLEY19342003Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaDONOVAN HECTORKIRTLEY19352006Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaDINAH GEORGINAKIRTLEYTAYLOR19391991Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaWAYNE LAWRENCEKIRTLEY19631983Verified DeathView Record