
Death Records for People with the Surname MALATO

Below you will find an index of death records for people with the surname MALATO. Please click on 'View Record' next to the individual you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaDAWIDMALATO00041978Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaABRAHAM DANIELMALATO19101986Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaANNA ELISABETHMALATOANDREAS19141991Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaJONASMALATO19171991Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaPETRUSMALATO19501993Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaLUKASMALATO19522002Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaJONAH JOEYMALATO00561978Verified DeathView Record
South AfricaROSAMALATOKORDOM19041984Verified DeathView Record