
Surnames Starting with ALV

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with ALV. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaALVA-WRIGHTView Records
South AfricaALVANView Records
South AfricaALVARESView Records
South AfricaALVAREZView Records
South AfricaALVARRAOView Records
South AfricaALVEKRANSView Records
South AfricaALVENView Records
South AfricaALVENIView Records
South AfricaALVERNView Records
South AfricaALVESView Records
South AfricaALVES DO VALE SANTOSView Records
South AfricaALVESVALADAS VITALView Records
South AfricaALVEYView Records
South AfricaALVIMView Records
South AfricaALVINView Records
South AfricaALVORDView Records