
Surnames Starting with DEO

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with DEO. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaDEOView Records
South AfricaDEOBARATView Records
South AfricaDEOCHANDView Records
South AfricaDEODUTView Records
South AfricaDEODUTHView Records
South AfricaDEOKALIView Records
South AfricaDEOKARANView Records
South AfricaDEOKIEView Records
South AfricaDEOKIENUNDView Records
South AfricaDEOKINANDANView Records
South AfricaDEOKUMARView Records
South AfricaDEOLALView Records
South AfricaDEOLALLView Records
South AfricaDEONView Records
South AfricaDEONANDANView Records
South AfricaDEONANDUNView Records
South AfricaDEONARAINView Records
South AfricaDEONATHView Records
South AfricaDEONIE FRANCISView Records
South AfricaDEONUNANView Records
South AfricaDEONUNDView Records
South AfricaDEONUNDHANView Records
South AfricaDEOPARSADView Records
South AfricaDEORAJView Records
South AfricaDEOSARANView Records
South AfricaDEOSARUNView Records