
Surnames Starting with ELE

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with ELE. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaELEANOR JANETTEView Records
South AfricaELEANOR ROSALEView Records
South AfricaELEANYAView Records
South AfricaELEASView Records
South AfricaELEFHERIOUView Records
South AfricaELEFTHERIADESView Records
South AfricaELEFTHERIOUView Records
South AfricaELEFUView Records
South AfricaELEKIView Records
South AfricaELEKWANGView Records
South AfricaELEMAView Records
South AfricaELEMBIView Records
South AfricaELENView Records
South AfricaELENIView Records
South AfricaELENISView Records
South AfricaELEPENView Records
South AfricaELEPHANTView Records
South AfricaELEPINView Records
South AfricaELESView Records
South AfricaELESANGView Records
South AfricaELESEView Records
South AfricaELESHAView Records
South AfricaELETANGView Records
South AfricaELEVELDView Records
South AfricaELEXANDERView Records
South AfricaELEYView Records