
Surnames Starting with ERN

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with ERN. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaERNEView Records
South AfricaERNE-MACHLERView Records
South AfricaERNERSONView Records
South AfricaERNESTView Records
South AfricaERNEST BRODIEView Records
South AfricaERNEST EDWARDView Records
South AfricaERNEST PETERView Records
South AfricaERNEST PHILANIView Records
South AfricaERNESTOView Records
South AfricaERNESTZENView Records
South AfricaERNIView Records
South AfricaERNSView Records
South AfricaERNSTView Records
South AfricaERNST HENDRIKView Records
South AfricaERNST STEPHENView Records
South AfricaERNST-PEARCEView Records
South AfricaERNSTINGView Records
South AfricaERNSTZENView Records
South AfricaERNSVTView Records