
Surnames Starting with GAW

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with GAW. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaGAWView Records
South AfricaGAWAView Records
South AfricaGAWAGIWAView Records
South AfricaGAWAGWIView Records
South AfricaGAWANAView Records
South AfricaGAWEView Records
South AfricaGAWELView Records
South AfricaGAWIEView Records
South AfricaGAWINOWICZView Records
South AfricaGAWITHView Records
South AfricaGAWLERView Records
South AfricaGAWLOWSKIView Records
South AfricaGAWNEView Records
South AfricaGAWRIESUNKERView Records
South AfricaGAWRONView Records
South AfricaGAWTHORPView Records
South AfricaGAWTHROPView Records
South AfricaGAWUView Records
South AfricaGAWULAView Records
South AfricaGAWULANAView Records
South AfricaGAWULANIView Records
South AfricaGAWULEGOSOView Records
South AfricaGAWULEKAPAView Records
South AfricaGAWULEKAYAView Records
South AfricaGAWULEKHAYAView Records
South AfricaGAWULISWAZIView Records
South AfricaGAWULLAYO-QABAView Records
South AfricaGAWULUSWAZIView Records
South AfricaGAWUSHEView Records
South AfricaGAWUZAView Records
South AfricaGAWUZELAView Records
South AfricaGAWYUZAView Records