
Surnames Starting with MGX

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with MGX. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaMGXABAYIView Records
South AfricaMGXABHAYIView Records
South AfricaMGXABHAYI-MZIBAView Records
South AfricaMGXAGXAMAView Records
South AfricaMGXAJIView Records
South AfricaMGXALABAView Records
South AfricaMGXAMView Records
South AfricaMGXAMLIView Records
South AfricaMGXANAView Records
South AfricaMGXASHEView Records
South AfricaMGXAWULEView Records
South AfricaMGXEView Records
South AfricaMGXEBEView Records
South AfricaMGXEGWANAView Records
South AfricaMGXEKENIView Records
South AfricaMGXEKEZAView Records
South AfricaMGXEKIWEView Records
South AfricaMGXEKWAView Records
South AfricaMGXEKWANAView Records
South AfricaMGXIGXWAView Records
South AfricaMGXISHIView Records
South AfricaMGXITHIView Records
South AfricaMGXOBAView Records
South AfricaMGXOBANEView Records
South AfricaMGXODOVANAView Records
South AfricaMGXOKOLOView Records
South AfricaMGXOKWANAView Records
South AfricaMGXOLOZAView Records
South AfricaMGXOPOLOLOView Records
South AfricaMGXOTENIView Records
South AfricaMGXOTHENIView Records
South AfricaMGXOTWAView Records
South AfricaMGXUBEView Records
South AfricaMGXUDUView Records
South AfricaMGXULWAView Records
South AfricaMGXUMAView Records
South AfricaMGXUNYELWAView Records
South AfricaMGXWADIView Records
South AfricaMGXWALISAView Records
South AfricaMGXWARAView Records
South AfricaMGXWATEView Records
South AfricaMGXWATHIView Records
South AfricaMGXWATIView Records