
Surnames Starting with PLA

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with PLA. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaPLAView Records
South AfricaPLAAGView Records
South AfricaPLAAITJIEView Records
South AfricaPLAAITJIESView Records
South AfricaPLAAJIESView Records
South AfricaPLAAKIEView Records
South AfricaPLAATView Records
South AfricaPLAATCHESView Records
South AfricaPLAATIView Records
South AfricaPLAATIESView Records
South AfricaPLAATJEView Records
South AfricaPLAATJESView Records
South AfricaPLAATJIEView Records
South AfricaPLAATJIESView Records
South AfricaPLAATJIES-VAN HUFFELView Records
South AfricaPLAATLIEView Records
South AfricaPLAATLIESView Records
South AfricaPLAATSView Records
South AfricaPLAATYEView Records
South AfricaPLAATYIView Records
South AfricaPLAATYIEView Records
South AfricaPLACEView Records
South AfricaPLACKETTView Records
South AfricaPLAGView Records
South AfricaPLAGEMANView Records
South AfricaPLAGEMANNView Records
South AfricaPLAGISView Records
South AfricaPLAILView Records
South AfricaPLAISIERView Records
South AfricaPLAISTONEView Records
South AfricaPLAISTOWEView Records
South AfricaPLAKIEView Records
South AfricaPLAKOTARISView Records
South AfricaPLAKSView Records
South AfricaPLAMView Records
South AfricaPLAMANAView Records
South AfricaPLAMERView Records
South AfricaPLAMMView Records
South AfricaPLAMPINView Records
South AfricaPLANDView Records
South AfricaPLANDTView Records
South AfricaPLANEView Records
South AfricaPLANGAView Records
South AfricaPLANGENIView Records
South AfricaPLANGGERView Records
South AfricaPLANKView Records
South AfricaPLANKAView Records
South AfricaPLANKENView Records
South AfricaPLANTView Records
South AfricaPLANTAGIEView Records
South AfricaPLANZERView Records
South AfricaPLAPIView Records
South AfricaPLASView Records
South AfricaPLASKETView Records
South AfricaPLASKETTView Records
South AfricaPLASKITTView Records
South AfricaPLASTINAView Records
South AfricaPLASTOWView Records
South AfricaPLATAView Records
South AfricaPLATANAView Records
South AfricaPLATELLEView Records
South AfricaPLATENView Records
South AfricaPLATERView Records
South AfricaPLATHView Records
South AfricaPLATIView Records
South AfricaPLATJESView Records
South AfricaPLATJIView Records
South AfricaPLATJIEView Records
South AfricaPLATJIESView Records
South AfricaPLATOView Records
South AfricaPLATTView Records
South AfricaPLATT-HIGGINSView Records
South AfricaPLATTEView Records
South AfricaPLATTENView Records
South AfricaPLATTSView Records
South AfricaPLATVOETView Records
South AfricaPLATYESView Records
South AfricaPLATYIView Records
South AfricaPLATYIEView Records
South AfricaPLATZERView Records
South AfricaPLATZOEDERView Records
South AfricaPLAUSIEView Records
South AfricaPLAYANDIView Records
South AfricaPLAYERView Records
South AfricaPLAYFAIRView Records
South AfricaPLAYTONView Records