
Surnames Starting with PLE

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with PLE. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaPLEACEView Records
South AfricaPLEANERView Records
South AfricaPLEASSView Records
South AfricaPLEATView Records
South AfricaPLEDGEView Records
South AfricaPLEDGERView Records
South AfricaPLEINView Records
South AfricaPLEKENEPOLView Records
South AfricaPLEKKERView Records
South AfricaPLEMMITView Records
South AfricaPLENView Records
South AfricaPLENDERLEITHView Records
South AfricaPLENISView Records
South AfricaPLESCIAView Records
South AfricaPLESKOView Records
South AfricaPLESSERSView Records
South AfricaPLESSIEView Records
South AfricaPLESSISView Records
South AfricaPLESSIS DUView Records
South AfricaPLETView Records
South AfricaPLETINCKYView Records
South AfricaPLETSCHKEView Records
South AfricaPLETTView Records
South AfricaPLETZERView Records
South AfricaPLEUNEView Records
South AfricaPLEVEYView Records
South AfricaPLEVIERView Records
South AfricaPLEWMANView Records
South AfricaPLEWSView Records
South AfricaPLEYDULL - BOOVERIEView Records
South AfricaPLEYSIERView Records