
Surnames Starting with PRI

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with PRI. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaPRIARAMView Records
South AfricaPRIBUTView Records
South AfricaPRICEView Records
South AfricaPRICE MOORView Records
South AfricaPRICHARDView Records
South AfricaPRICKENView Records
South AfricaPRICKETTView Records
South AfricaPRIDDView Records
South AfricaPRIDEView Records
South AfricaPRIDGEONView Records
South AfricaPRIDMOREView Records
South AfricaPRIEBEView Records
South AfricaPRIEMView Records
South AfricaPRIEMAIERView Records
South AfricaPRIEMOUView Records
South AfricaPRIESCHLView Records
South AfricaPRIESKAView Records
South AfricaPRIESTView Records
South AfricaPRIESTLEYView Records
South AfricaPRIESTMANView Records
South AfricaPRIGAView Records
South AfricaPRIGGEView Records
South AfricaPRIGMOREView Records
South AfricaPRILLEVITZView Records
South AfricaPRIMView Records
South AfricaPRIMAView Records
South AfricaPRIMAVESIView Records
South AfricaPRIMEView Records
South AfricaPRIMESView Records
South AfricaPRIMICView Records
South AfricaPRIMICHView Records
South AfricaPRIMMERView Records
South AfricaPRIMOView Records
South AfricaPRIMOEView Records
South AfricaPRIMOREView Records
South AfricaPRIMROSEView Records
South AfricaPRINBSLOOView Records
South AfricaPRINCEView Records
South AfricaPRINCE-DIT-CLOTTUView Records
South AfricaPRINCESView Records
South AfricaPRINCESS NTOMBANAView Records
South AfricaPRINCEWILLView Records
South AfricaPRINGView Records
South AfricaPRINGANEView Records
South AfricaPRINGLEView Records
South AfricaPRINGLE-SCOTTView Records
South AfricaPRINKSView Records
South AfricaPRINLEView Records
South AfricaPRINLOOView Records
South AfricaPRINSView Records
South AfricaPRINS-VOSLOOView Records
South AfricaPRINSENView Records
South AfricaPRINSLOOView Records
South AfricaPRINSLOO-UYSView Records
South AfricaPRINZView Records
South AfricaPRINZENView Records
South AfricaPRIONView Records
South AfricaPRIORView Records
South AfricaPRISCILLAR BONGIEView Records
South AfricaPRISGROVEView Records
South AfricaPRISLEYView Records
South AfricaPRISLOOView Records
South AfricaPRISMALLView Records
South AfricaPRISMANView Records
South AfricaPRISNSLOOView Records
South AfricaPRITCHARDView Records
South AfricaPRITEView Records
South AfricaPRITHEPAULView Records
South AfricaPRITHILALView Records
South AfricaPRITHILALLView Records
South AfricaPRITHIPALView Records
South AfricaPRITHIPAULView Records
South AfricaPRITHIRAJView Records
South AfricaPRITHNATHView Records
South AfricaPRITHPALView Records
South AfricaPRITIPALView Records
South AfricaPRITZView Records
South AfricaPRIVETTView Records
South AfricaPRIZEMANView Records
South AfricaPRIZERTView Records
South AfricaPRIZETView Records