
Estate File Index for People with the Surname CACELA

Below you will find an estate file index for people with the surname CACELA. Please click on 'View Record" next to the individual's name you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaLINDANI ARMSTRONGCACELA22/04/2010 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaVUYANICACELA26/07/2009 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaNOLUTHANDO FELICIACACELA26/08/2009 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaNONKOSI VIRGINIACACELA1926-07-10 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaBANGISO JACKSONCACELA2006-09-15 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLEANDRO DOS SANTOS ALMEIDACACELA2007-05-25 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaBUYISILE MICHAELCACELA2020-01-04 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaTALIPETSI MAUREENCACELA2020-05-16 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaCANDIDO MANUEL CARDOSOCACELA21/05/1990 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaVELILE WILSONCACELAGRAHAMSTOWN - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaTENGIWE ELDACACELA2021-04-07 - Estate File DatabaseView Record