
Estate File Index for People with the Surname GALLIAS

Below you will find an estate file index for people with the surname GALLIAS. Please click on 'View Record" next to the individual's name you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaIVY GERTRUDEGALLIAS - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLAZARUSGALLIAS - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMICHAEL JOHN EDWARDGALLIAS16/09/02 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHN BRIANGALLIAS2019-04-19 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMICHAEL JOHN EDWARDGALLIAS2016-09-02 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHN BRIANGALLIAS2019-04-19 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLUCIE DE PAIREGALLIAS2020-06-26 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaESME MARYGALLIAS15/8/80 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaEDWARDGALLIAS28/05/1984 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaEUSTACEGALLIAS20/05/1987 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLAZARUSGALLIAS02/06/1995 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaIVY GERTRUDEGALLIAS21/04/1999 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaANNE ISOBELLGALLIAS04 AUG 1977 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaANNE ISOBELLGALLIAS04 AUG 1977 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJULIUSGALLIAS29 JUL 1959 - Estate File DatabaseView Record