
Estate File Index for People with the Surname MARTHINUSEN

Below you will find an estate file index for people with the surname MARTHINUSEN. Please click on 'View Record" next to the individual's name you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaAXEL MARCUSMARTHINUSEN1963 - 1963Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLAURITZ HANSMARTHINUSEN1938 - 1938Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaKNUD INGERBRIGT NIKOLAIMARTHINUSEN1959 - 1959Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMARGRETHEMARTHINUSEN1966 - 1966Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLAURITZ ERICMARTHINUSEN1970 - 1970Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaANDERS LAURITZMARTHINUSEN - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaERLINGMARTHINUSEN1957 - 1957Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMIRIAMMARTHINUSEN1984 - 1984Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaELIZABETH FRANCESMARTHINUSEN2001 - 2001Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaELIZABETH FRANCESMARTHINUSEN - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMIRIAMMARTHINUSEN - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaHAROLD GREGORYMARTHINUSEN01/02/2014 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLARA-JEANMARTHINUSEN06/02/2013 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaINGRID MARGRETHEMARTHINUSEN03/07/2011 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHANNESBURGMARTHINUSEN1970-09-14 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaESTERMARTHINUSEN2015-08-02 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaRONALD ERLINGMARTHINUSEN2020-05-31 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaHAROLD MARTINMARTHINUSEN6/10/79 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMIRIAMMARTHINUSEN - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHANNESBURGMARTHINUSEN1970-09-14 - Estate File DatabaseView Record