
Estate File Index for People with the Surname TORRE

Below you will find an estate file index for people with the surname TORRE. Please click on 'View Record" next to the individual's name you wish to view.
Names Surname Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Database View Record
South AfricaFRANCESCO DELLATORRE1944 - 1944Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMICHELETORRE1952 - 1952Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHNTORRE1938 - 1938Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaSALVA LORETORRE1961 - 1961Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJANETTA CHARTRINATORRE1968 - 1968Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMARY ANNTORRE - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaLOUISTORRE1971 - 1971Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHANTORRE - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMARYTORRE - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaPIETRO GIOVANNITORRE - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMARIA SUSANNATORRE - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaSTEPHANIETORRE06/07/2009 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaNICOLA AUGUSTO VINCENZOTORRE2014-07-23 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHAN BATISTATORRE16/04/22 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaPETRUS CASPADUS CHRISTIAANTORRE2016-12-08 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaJOHAN BATISTATORRE2016-04-22 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaPETRUS CASPADUS CHRISTIAANTORRE2016-12-08 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaMARIA MAGDALENATORRE2021-07-13 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaPETRO GIOVANNITORRE24/10/1984 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaPIETRO GIOVANNITORRE20/07/2000 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaEMMA MAGRIETHATORRE04 MAR 2003 - Estate File DatabaseView Record
South AfricaDAWN LINDATORRE01/11/2005 - Estate File DatabaseView Record