Search Boer War Prisoners
Names *
Surname *
Personal Information
  • Names: Rudolf Johannes
  • Surname: Minnie
  • From: Sterkfontein
  • Age: 23
Capture Information
  • Date Captured: 1902-02-07
  • Place Captured: Paardekraal
Detention Information
  • Camp Detained:
  • Country: India
  • Prisoner No: 29070

Boer War Prisoners

During the Anglo-Boer War, the British Forces captured around 28,000 Boer men who were detained as Prisoners of War. Around 25,630 of these men were sent to overseas prisoner of war camps while being detained. This database consists of information on the men caught and detained during this period.

Obtaining Documents

This set of Prisoner of War documents can be accessed online via the project by Clicking Here.

About this Record

This Prisoner of War record for Rudolf Johannes Minnie was transcribed record from various documents held at the National Archives, South Africa, including arrest and shipping information from newspaper sources like De Zuid-Afrikaan.

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