
Surnames Starting with CRU

Below you will find an estate file surname index for all surnames starting with CRU. Please click on 'View Records" next to the surname you wish to view.
Surname View Records
South AfricaCRUCERUView Records
South AfricaCRUCHINHOView Records
South AfricaCRUGERView Records
South AfricaCRUICEView Records
South AfricaCRUICKSHANKView Records
South AfricaCRUICKSHANKSView Records
South AfricaCRUIKSHANKView Records
South AfricaCRUISEView Records
South AfricaCRULCIView Records
South AfricaCRUMPView Records
South AfricaCRUMPLINView Records
South AfricaCRUMPTONView Records
South AfricaCRUNDLINGHView Records
South AfricaCRUNDWELLView Records
South AfricaCRUSEView Records
South AfricaCRUSOEView Records
South AfricaCRUSSIGView Records
South AfricaCRUTCHERView Records
South AfricaCRUTCHLEYView Records
South AfricaCRUTSEView Records
South AfricaCRUTTENDENView Records
South AfricaCRUTZEView Records
South AfricaCRUYWAGENView Records
South AfricaCRUZView Records